Monday, March 18, 2013

ReShape Mondays

You know that feeling...usually hits around Sunday afternoon. The minute you realize that tomorrow is...


I am right there with you. Coming off of a great weekend. Might not have been a great weekend, doesn't matter, fact remains the same, it's coming either way. As gladiators, we've got to take back Mondays in a very skillful manner of fighting. No, I don't want you going around punching folks in the face! Remember, we fight those in the unseen realm (See Ephesians 6:12).

So, you walk into work, or dropping the kids off at school. Someone greets you with a "Good morning". You grunt back some inaudible word that sounds nothing like "Good morning". Trust me, I am guilty, I am definitely a work in progress. A comment from a friend helped me to reshape my Mondays. I stepped off the elevator one Monday morning and she said "Ewwww, you're not a morning person". I did not like that comment. I've always felt that I do my best work in the mornings. That's when my research began because no way was I gonna be stuck with that label. You realize that the "monday blues" are a figment of our own imaginations, right? It's not real, it's all in our heads. Check out these great tips to eliminate the blues from your Monday:

Of course, if you're having a hard time getting into your Monday groove, you might have deeper issues:

Either way, I want to give you a spot where you can unload whatever is weighing you down on Mondays. See that comment section down there? Yeah, that one. Use it. Go on, type out your Monday frustrations. Each week, I will offer up that comment section for you to release that weight. Once released, you've got a clean slate to start over. As a gladiator, take up that shield of faith to quench those fiery darts. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok, fine, I'll start. Had an awesome weekend! Knew what I would be facing in the office today, wasn't thrilled about that. Started thinking about actually having a job to go to, so many people don't. I also enjoy what I do and like being around my co-workers. Thankful that God woke me up this morning to be able to do all that. Even though it stormed all throughtout rush hour traffic, I still made it to the gym, made it home, had dinner with my family and still had energy to come up with this blog segment. Now, you're turn.
